Monday, June 17, 2013

Introducing Rain Color Studio

I'm a dance teacher, independent choreographer and performer, visual artist, and jewelry designer and creator. I'm also a mom and a perpetual nerdy student in this life. I was born in Maryland to a French father and American mother, but came to Texas with just my mom at age 3. I love being creative in many ways. I'm soulful, serene, inquisitive, improvisational with a little splash of silliness when needed. LOL I'm slightly obsessed with beads and paint...which is a good thing! I love just pulling colors and styles together and creating a new product which did not exist before. Welcome to Rain Color Studio.

My love of beads started in elementary school. I have vague memories of bead collecting as a little kid. It was the in thing at school, to have cool beads to trade with other kids......I'm not sure I ever had good ones because I'm pretty sure my mom couldn't afford something that was not a necessity..but that is where the flame was lit.

I guess it waned over the years but was my interest in beads was re-ignited in college in Massachussetts when a friend and I started making necklaces with wire wrapped stones and I started frequenting the bead shop in Northhampton, Mass and branching off into earrings and bracelets. Since then I have made jewelry for myself and others as gifts but never sold any pieces until recently.

On the art front, I have been drawing, painting, and collaging since the 6th grade and ended up minoring in studio art in college adding sculpture to the list. It was a minor because I discovered dance in college and didn't have time to do a double major. So here I am at 41, with my day job being adjunct dance faculty on two college campuses in Houston and still with a love for art and beads on the side. I have received so many positive comments on my jewelry and art, plus I just LOVE making pieces and I think each one is so darn good looking that I thought maybe others out in the world would like my pieces enough to pay for them :)

So here we go!!

The name Rain Color Studio plays to a couple of, it's raining colors in this studio! LOL
Just check out my shop (teehee).
But it also has to do with three things I love: rain, color and studios.
Rain inspires me in every way, by its sound, smell, appearance, wetness on the street, wetness on my skin, mood it creates whether light or stormy. many wonderful, beautiful, amazing colors in the world and I love using and combining them in exciting ways and I find it very interesting when my mood shifts simply based on looking at a particular color.
Studios are open spaces where anything creative in any art form can be brought to life. Just the word 'studio' makes me think of new possibilities, new inspirations, new things being created by my mind and hands whether it be art, jewelry or dance!

Thank you for visiting and reading!!
I hope you enjoy Rain Color Studio!

Keep up with me on Facebook and Twitter!!!/pages/Rain-Color-Studio/156777991150270